
Seo squidoo lens
Seo squidoo lens

seo squidoo lens

Let’s take a look at the traffic stats for the last 30 days: Sooooo…how has this lens been doing in all this time being left alone? Once a lens ages and gains some Page Rank of it’s own, it has real power and it becomes a resource that you can leverage. This is why I am always all about telling my One Week Marketing followers to get their lenses out there and simmering. I made it in February of 2008 and hadn’t touched it since April of 2008 (yes, I have not “freshened” the lens in almost 17 MONTHS). It’s not a money-maker, but it ranks well, gets decent traffic so I figured let’s see what I can do with it to make it rank better, get more traffic, and maybe see if I can’t turn it into a money-maker (which probably will NOT happen now that I am about to spill everything here on my blog…sigh). Tonight I found a lens of mine that needed some love. I Want My Squidoo Lens to Rank Better in Google Grab a cup of coffee because you are about to take a long trip inside the brain of PotPieGirl (be afraid…be very, very afraid…lol) So, I took a few extra hours (on something that would have taken me all of 5 minutes to do) to take screen shots and walk through all the steps I take to get to the actions I take to make my Squidoo lens rank better in Google. As I was about to make changes I thought, “Wow, this would make an awesome search engine optimization tutorial post for my blog!”. I was checking the stats and rankings of a few of my Squidoo lenses tonight and found one I wanted to do some work on.

seo squidoo lens

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Seo squidoo lens